Saturday, May 7, 2011

Follow Up

Originally I had planned on not posting this week, just from the sheer amount of work I have to do, and because three lit analysis papers won't write themselves--damn them!

As I was poking around the interwebz, as one is wont to do while procrastinating, I came across this quote by Stephen King:

Stephen King in The Atlantic:
The thing that happens is, say you're working on something and it's going along pretty well, and two or three ideas occur, and they're all yelling "You should write this! You should write this!" It's almost like being married and all of a sudden your life is full of beautiful women. You have to stay faithful to what you're working on.
Two weeks ago I posted one of my angsty little rants about writing, called Overwhelmed, that was about what King describes here. I'm rewriting/revising my WIP and all these wonderful ideas just burst into my head and scream "I'm here" and usually don't leave. A few nights ago I actually got out of bed to write one page worth of notes on an idea because it would not let me fall asleep.

Now I can't say that I've been keeping faithful to my manuscript, but I'm trying and I keep in mind that I should.

Just thought I'd share this, and it especially makes me feel better knowing this is quite common, and the fact that Stephen King deals with the same issues makes me feel slightly cooler...don't ask me how that works.
Thanks for reading!

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