Wednesday, March 16, 2011


This'll be off-topic, but short. I just need to share my views on wastefulness. It's everywhere and it usually arises in situations where the person means well. 

I was out to dinner with a friend tonight and ordered an iced-tea. Now, I know she meant well, and I am not against free re-fills, the waitress came and took my glass even before I was half way done with it and replaced it with a new one. She poured the other one out and threw out the straw. She also did the same with my friend's drink. And it's not like I got very far in the new glass either, one glass would have suited me fine.

I know it's silly to get worked up over something this small, but I can't help feeling that this is a negative trend and that I see it becoming the norm, even in a world where there are voices against this type of behavior. Or maybe it's always been this way and I'm just finding it harder to ignore....

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