Saturday, April 9, 2011

Writing Group

So I am about to embark on yet a new writing adventure...but then again I only really started Writing quite recently, so anything to do with the subject is proving to be an adventure.

So--my wonderful professor/aforementioned 'mentor' has gotten in touch with a group of her students who, as she put it, are working toward future publication. Naturally I'm very excited. I was driven to start this blog by the sheer necessity to ramble about all things writing and the lack of people in my life whose interest in it equal mine. But besides being extremely happy and excited and feeling incapable of waiting to actually start meeting, I am also terrified.

I'm not a good writer, not even close, but I have stories--and they demand to be told! (I've been tempted to write that last part on big poster board and hang it over my bed, or to get it printed on a t-shirt).

For too long I've been too scared to actually write things down--letting the stories play out in my head and eventually wither and die because they never saw the light. But I'm now determined to write them down, even if it's just a seed of a sentence that never manages to germinate, I will at least give it the opportunity.

As terrified as I am of relinquishing my hold on my stories and allowing strangers, for now anyway, to read and critique them, I am so ready. Because I know that this is just a small way to allow myself the opportunity to grow as a writer.

Are any of you in writing groups? Do you have any stories/advice from your experience in one?


  1. Hi Rambling! Here's the rules for my critique group:

    How firm you (or whoever is the moderator) want to be about the rules depends on the size of the group, and how well people know each other.

    The way you can tell if you've got a good group is if you leave it inspired, ready to go make changes and write some more. If you leave feeling depressed and wanting to burn either your pages or yourself - not a happy combo.

    One caveat - it takes work and time (months, years) to build a good group, and there will always be times when someone makes comments that are not helpful, or is not a good fit for the group. Move forward, anyway. You'll be glad you did.

  2. Thank you so much, Writing Goddess! This definitely makes me feel a bit more comfortable, and I'll suggest it to the other members of the group once we get started.

  3. I don't have a traditional group, per se. I do have a few people who get to see my stories while I'm still working them around -- who I know will tell me, "This bit over here? It doesn't quite work."

    Most of my every day friends don't have an interest in writing, so finding those people? It has really helped me to grow.

    I think it's good to be around like-minded people who share your goal. It's brave, too. You can do this.

  4. I have NO writing groups that I meet with face to face, but I've found some AMAZING people online who have made me SUCH a better writer.
    My best advice, they're trying to make your writing better, even if you don't take every suggestion, ponder each suggestion and ENJOY!

  5. Thank you ladies! Glad to hear you each have your own support group--can't wait to start mine! Thanks for reading.
